Peer Review Process

All manuscripts are peer reviewed prior to publication. The JSDLP utilizes a double-blind peer review process, to ensure originality, scholarly relevance, and readability- which means that both the reviewer and author’s identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process. To facilitate this, authors are required to submit manuscripts that would not give away their identity.
After respective submission deadlines, members of the Editorial Committee read all submissions and agree which should go forward to the review process. Referees are then assigned by the Committee from a pool of referees according to their expertise. Reviewers are sent a manuscript review template (attached), which provides guidance on key review indicators and on how to communicate review results.

The factors that are taken into account in review are as follows:

  • Relevance: Is this paper relevant to the thematic focus of this journal?
  • Originality: Are the results/ideas novel and previously unpublished?
  • Significance: Does the paper canvass and discuss ideas that significantly advance or move knowledge forward)
  • Soundness: Is this paper technically sound and complete?
  • Are the claims supported by theoretical/ experimental/empirical results?
  • Ethics: Is there any ethical issue?
  • Readability: Is the paper well organized and easy to understand?
  • Language: Is the paper written in correct English and style?
  • Citations: Are all sources properly cited in accordance with the Oxford Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities, which is the house style for the journal?

Referees may accept the manuscript, reject the manuscript or might require a revision for style and/or content. Each Reviewer will give a recommendation about publication of a manuscript according to the following list of options:

  • Accept- No revision needed.
  • Accept- Minor revisions needed.
  • Major revisions needed- Suggest revision & resubmission.
  • Decline (provide appropriate reasons in comments).

After the reviewer’s report is received, the paper is assigned to an Associate Editor for the review/redrafting/editing process, which can be substantial, depending on the article. Upon receipt of the revised article from the author, and after final approval by referees and associated editor, the Editor-in-Chief reviews the paper and makes a final determination on whether or not to include the paper for publication in the JSDLP based on the recommendations of the reviewers and associated editor. The Editor-in-Chief then issues a written confirmation of acceptance or rejection to the author. Once an article is accepted, the Managing Editor will carry out a thorough desk edit and liaise with Afe Babalola University Press/the author/Associate Editor over author queries, publisher proofs and corrections.
The JSDLP strives to ensure that the time between submission and final decision are as reasonable as possible, without compromising quality.